Monday, April 27, 2009


The two apartments in my building that were occupied by SACI students were labeled with the name Morozzi. The seven of us came from different backgrounds but after four months in a foreign country, homecooking Sunday night dinners, travelling and living together... we've become a little Morozzi family.

These are the people I spend time with doing random things - walking around Florence, going to soccer games (where Italians curse out the opponents and make obscene gestures), go on hikes in the countryside, oh yeah and eat lots and lots of gelato. My roommates and I also discovered one of our favorite drinks here - Spumante - sweet champagne or in this video -- our first tastes of the dry version.

1 comment:

  1. love this video! it looks like you guys had a blast gallivanting around Florence. I like that air guitar action. haha
