Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rules for school

So since I've realized that the rest of 2009 is going to consist of A LOT of school, I decided that I needed to keep myself motivated and on top of everything, so I came up with a list of rules...appropriately titled "Lindsay's Rules for School" mom has been informed of these rules and hopefully she'll be keeping me accountable. I hope that they work, because this is going to be intense, but I am kind excited for the challenge :) I thought I'd post the rules so that even more people know and now I really can't cop out of them... :)

Lindsay's Rules for School are as follows:

1. For every class missed (except in the case of serious illness), $5 will be deducted from the monthly entertainment allotment.
2. For every assignment not completed to the best of her ability, one TV show will be delayed until the weekend
3. She will exercise at least three times a week, weather permitting, and use her weights four times a week, or one more TV show will be delayed
4. Devotions will be done every day before any TV is watched or Internet is surfed
5. Church will be attended every Sunday, barring absence from Denver or severe illness
6. Small group will be attended every week barring an exam the next day, absence from Denver, or severe illness
7. She will go to professor’s office hours if there are EVER any questions/comments, it will NOT be put off; she will also keep in touch regarding graduation requirements (keep on top of her responsibilities as a student)
8. She will make an honest effort to email friends once a week to say hi and keep in touch :)


  1. Linds, love these rules. How are they going so far? I especially like #3 and #4-- I think I may try out these 2.

  2. I just wrote them on Friday...but they're going well so far...I figured it had to make it as doable as possible
