Friday, June 5, 2009

Drinking coffee from my favorite cup

I love having coffee in this cup. My mom got it for me for my birthday from a place in New York called Serendipity 3. I love this cup for a few reasons 1: it's colorful. 2: the lampshades pop out, giving it texture. 3: I think the word "serendipity" is lots of fun to say. And 4: it's got a little something something on the inside (see below)

It's like every sip is serendipitous.


  1. The cups with things that pop out on the sides are the best! Starbucks has one of the Rocky Mountains where the mountains come cool! (and serendipity happens to be one of my favorite words as well!)

  2. Ooo, "sagacity" is a big word! I don't know what it means, actually...
