Saturday, May 2, 2009

Goodbye to Honest Tea

Yesterday was my last day at Honest Tea. I'll especially miss the people, getting to tweet for Honest Tea, and sipping organic Peach White tea all day long. I'm excited though, because ending this chapter means beginning a new chapter in Austin!

Photo by Patrick Jammett of Honest Tea


  1. Well congratulations on finishing! (I love that the label upside down btw...did it come like that as an 'oops' or did you switch it?) I am so excited to hear all about how things go in Austin!!!

  2. well, I'm glad that you're coming back to Austin!
    But, I'm sorry that you had to say goodbye to Honest Tea... : (

  3. Thanks!
    Actually, this came out as an oops bottle- I thought it was pretty cool.
