Monday, May 18, 2009

Greetings from America's Oven

Hello all, I thought I'd say hello from my lovely, thankfully air-conditioned house in Las Vegas! It has been spectacularly hot since I've been home, its so wonderful to hear the weatherman say that we're experiencing record highs for this time of year. Anywho, despite the heat, home is lovely! As you know, I am currently in training for a sprint triathalon, and since it gets so hot so early, I've been getting up no later than 7 (we'll be up at 5 on Wednesday to go riding) so that the training can be done before it hits 90 :)

Oh and a little tidbit, no matter what anyone tells you , you NEVER, ever get used to it being this hot. Anything over 90 is hot, I mean really hot!

Yay for A/C!!!